April 2nd, 2010

Discounts Apply !
 Written by: Matt Sparks
Date Added
  •    Grille Article

Miter Tool for Trim

Speaking of trims, I have had a few people here and there ask how to trim a mesh insert that has a sharp angle. The answer is the 90 Degree Miter Tool pictured below. You can actually put different angles on the cut, from 300-ish to 80-ish. Works perfect every time. For those who need something on a smaller budget, a skillfully placed cut with an X-acto knife works perfect on the neoprene trim.

What a month March was... very busy. We're burning up some 80+ degree days here in MI already at the start of April, and I hope it doesn't stop. Just a heads up on the two chrome trims I'm currently stocking, I'm getting low on stock and when it's gone then it's gone! It was just never really pliable enough for it's purpose.