SKU:   FreeSample
  UPC:   682604773858

Free Sample Pack

Discounts Apply !
Price: $0.01
Free* Sample Packs are back and better than ever with more choices available!
These packs include up to 3 free mesh samples, up to 3 premium paid mesh samples, and up to 3 rubber trim samples. The meshes listed for free are only available while supplies last. The free mesh samples are provided at no cost for the material but shipping costs will be added to the order.

If you are interested in more than 3 free samples, please visit the Big Sample Pack page. There's also a free iPhone app that features a digital sample pack of life sized pictures of the mesh; please visit the customcargrills app page for more info.

These mesh samples are roughly 3" x 3" in size. The rubber trim samples are roughly 3" long.

*We need to charge something for the order to go through. There is a $0.01 charge for the samples. It's as close to free as we can get it. Limit 1 free sample pack per order please.
1 Product Reviews - Average rating 5 / 5 (Show All)
Get idea
- 9/10/2018
Working on building a custom grill for my 1968 Camaro it’s awesome to be able to get samples rather than spending a lot of money and ending up not using it