April 30th, 2010

Discounts Apply !
 Written by: Matt Sparks
Date Added
  •    Grille Article

Woven Wire XXL Aluminum

Also, quick recap from the week. I'm getting low on small perf sheets and new stock wont be in for another 5 weeks (longest wait ever). Black sheets are flying of the shelf. More pre-cut inserts coming soon(tm). All order from Mon to Thurs (up till 4-5 ish) were shipped. It's nice outside, now go enjoy the weekend!

Ok, here's my first video I uploaded to YouTube. It's of the new woven wire that should be in stock in 2-3 weeks. This stuff really looks great, cuts easy, and shapes easy... wait until you see it in person. Let me know what you think of the video, I'm doing all this myself and I'm a newb so any feedback is appreciated.