February 11th, 2011

Discounts Apply !
 Written by: Matt Sparks
Date Added
  •    Grille Article

Subaru WRX - Diamond XXL - Black

The package tracking page should be up and going on the site now: http://www.customcargrills.com/tracking.asp This has been a long asked for feature that I was glad to add on. If you have any website enhancement suggestions, always feel free to let me know.

The customer picture this week was an awesome submission for an 08 Subaru STi. It's original format was 5616x3744 and it's very well edited. To be honest, I'm not sure what I'm going to do with it for the website... yet.

All orders up to this afternoon have been shipped for the week. Quick side note, Yahoo is yet again flagging my outgoing emails as junk. This long term battle with them is tiring. Hopefully I'll have it resolved soon, but if I get a lot of emails bouncing back I'll probably reply from a different domain for Yahoo addresses.