Volvo XC - Diamond XXL - Black
I've talked about an angled and formed Volvo grill in the past and I've finally got a good installed picture of it. There's been a long wait for these and we're in the last stages of getting something like this stocked for these Volvo XC owners. It's a lot of work to gut out the factory grill for the customers but I think the end results really pay off. Great job on the install.
I really had a hard time picking out a picture this week, there was a bunch that had been submitted recently. Because we only show one a week, there will be a newer customer gallery that'll be worked on soon to showcase the new and existing customer pictures. I often get asked "where will my picture be shown?" and the navigation to get to the customer installed on the website was poor and we'll improve on that soon.
What a heat wave in mid-march it's been. I've de-winterized my cars and got them up and running this week, hopefully not prematurely. If you're in a colder climate like me, I assume you've probably done the same. Well, I need to end this post and get the rest of the orders out the door. Have a good weekend.