August 16, 2013

Discounts Apply !
 Written by: Matt Sparks
Date Added
  •    Grille Article

Grill Generator - Woven SWAT - Silver

Last week I mentioned the new customcargrills iPhone app release and the "Grill Generator" feature within it. The picture this week was made using that function of the app.

First I started off with a straight forward picture from my camera roll. Then I zoomed in so that the grill was the primary focus of the picture. Next, click on "Mask" and choose a mesh. Pinch the mesh so that it can be resized to fit the opening and straighten it so that it lines up properly. I did this for both the lower and upper openings and then saved the results to my camera roll.

Each mask layer represents 3"x18" of mesh, and at this time I only have them in rectangles though I hope to add more later. The scaling and the sizes aren't going to be perfect but it'll give you a general guideline on how a variety of materials will look.