BMW - Stacking Oval - Black
This week I have a picture from a very custom front bumper that a customer had developed. It has some nice features like the LED bar, and the halo ring fog lights. We ended up doing a few custom pieces for this project, including the big center piece as well as the side and top areas. Everything flows well on this and all the hard work really turned out great.
I'm starting to convert some of the option pricing on the website to be less confusing for some customers. For example, instead of seeing two different lines that would include a sheet price and & paint price, the prices will now be bundled in one description and one price. It sounds like a simple changeover, but I'll probably have a full work week investing in doing this.
All the orders are shipped and should be on the way. We had an amazingly fast international delivery this week, which was a 2 day delivery to Mexico. This was done using the more expensive GXG service though USPS but it's quite impressive nonetheless. Have a good weekend.