Toyota 4Runner - Small Hexagon - Black
The Tacoma "Satoshi" grill mod has been quite popular for the past couple years. Truck owners of other models are following suit and doing the same type of installation. This week we received back an installed picture of an '06 4Runner piece that we cut out for a customer. There's a lot of work that goes into this grill but I think the results paid off nicely. Look for a pre-cut version of this mesh piece available on the website very soon.
I ordered some small promo items this week that will likely be given away for orders that reach a certain total. Personally I always love those little bonus items that I get from time to time. If this promo works, look for similar bonuses in the future with a variety of items.
It was quite a hot week this late June. It's been way too hot for many of the outdoor projects I had planned. When it cools down, look for a few new video shoots to come up where I give a few advanced how-to grill tips. Have a good weekend.